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#119: Descent (TNG episode novelization)

This week, when Data turns heel during an encounter with the Borg, the experience leaves him shook. But when his brother comes calling with a job offer, he finds it’s one he literally can’t refuse. Now his friends have to drag him back to reality before the Sons of Soong can roll out Wolf 359 II: Cybernetic Boogaloo. Is Barnaby any less annoying in the book? Will Isaac Newton ever figure the holodeck situation out? How does one master the arcane feline arts? All this and more in Descent, the book that oozes boredom.

#118: The Great Starship Race (TOS #67)

This week, a race of anime-eyes people learn they’re not alone in the galaxy and hold a race to their planet to celebrate. But when a Romulan ship enters the contest, its commander is determined not to fall for those puppy-dog eyes a second time. How fair is it to make things fair? Are the Romulans sitting on some primo blindness-curing tech? And who honestly thinks the South will rise again? All this and more in The Great Starship Race, the book that’s part of a complete down-home breakfast.

#102: Best Destiny (TOS event novel)

This week, when George Kirk struggles to straighten out his wayward progeny, the boy’s mother suggests a Take Your Son to Space Work Day. But when their shuttle gets waylaid by pirates en route to a ceremony, young James sees a new side of his father and learns that duty can sometimes literally cost an arm and a leg. Will James Kirk give in to the boomer side? What’s the point of campfire stories that aren’t scary? And what’s the deal with Sanskrit on Mars? All this and more in the positively foudroyant Best Destiny.

#046: Ghost Ship (TNG #1)

This week brings us, at long last, to our very first all-original Next Generation printed adventure. It’s the mid-90s and the Cold War is still chugging along, but after a giant electromagnetic creature eats a Soviet battleship, the men aboard spend the next four centuries in a cold bore. Four hundred years later, the EMC gets an appetite for starship, and the Enterprise-D has to figure how to talk to it and puzzle out the most humane way to put ghosts down, all while slowly patching up their own still-rocky relationships. Will Data ever get hip to the lingo? What does being a “mind slut” even mean? And just what the heck is Riker’s glitch? It’s the book that spends a full fifteen pages on a discussion of ethical euthanasia.

#042: Final Frontier (TOS event novel)

This week, the longest Star Trek novel to date takes us once more back to the pre-TOS past to fill in some of the history of Daddy Kirk, a.k.a. George Samuel Kirk. He’s the first first officer of some new high-tech doodad called a … star … ship? But on a goodwill mission to save some families trapped in an ion storm, they overshoot their destination and end up smack dab in the middle of Romulan space. As they try to figure out how to get home without dying, Robert April and George Kirk butt heads over the best approach to commanding a ship. Is April the time of the season, or does father know best? Is it a little weird how many decent Romulans there are in the books? How empty, on a scale from very to extremely, is James Kirk’s threat to quit Starfleet? It’s Final Frontier, or, The Last Book to Have That Ugly Slanted Font Thing Going On on the Cover.

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