Category: NF Page 1 of 2

#255: Fire on High (NF #6)

In today’s episode, Robin Lefler learns her mother is still alive, but first Soleta has to finish checking out the situation on Zondar, and meanwhile Selar is preggers, and she and Burgoyne agree the fun times should end there, so why does that leave Selar feeling so empty? But the warp core also has a bun in the oven, and also Shelby swears she’s not in love, Robin lands in the friend zone, Mark McHenry feels used, and—wait, what? I’m already out of room for the intro paragraph? All this and more in Fire on High, the book that doesn’t forget its Southern hospitality.

#252: Martyr (NF #5)

In today’s episode, when Captain Calhoun fits the profile of an ancient prophecy, he decides to lean into his celebrity status a bit. But when he disappears under mysterious circumstances, he leaves behind the horniest crew in the Beta Quadrant. Do Starfleet officers underrate yelling as a means of getting things done? Are Vulcans technically childfree? And what happens if you shut down a tricorder while it’s updating? All this and more in Martyr, the book that has some official pronoun updates for us.

#231: End Game (NF #4)

In today’s episode, while Captain Calhoun fears he might be getting soft, Zak Kebron remains solid as a rock. But a new challenger might hatch a plan of its own before the captain can dispense old-school justice. Who’s the least developed Excalibur crew member so far? Can New Frontier fix the Prime Directive? And when does Star Trek get human nature wrong? All this and more in End Game, the book blessed by the Great Bird of the Galaxy him itself.

#230: The Two-Front War (NF #3)

In today’s episode, Calhoun smells a rat in the Thallonian refugees’ new digs, but without a reg to stand on, he goes against his better judgment. Meanwhile, Zak Kebron has to babysit a panicky doofus and Dr. Selar needs help getting mentally unconstipated. Can a bad lounge nickname hurt crew morale? Would anyone know if a Vulcan just made a ritual up? And is there such a thing as a conern lay? All this and more in The Two-Front War, the New Frontier book with the highest Peter David Quotient yet.

#227: Into the Void (NF #2)

In today’s episode, the Excalibur shoves off into Sector 221-G with some expected or unexpected live cargo, depending on who you ask. But as the captain looks around, he begins to wonder if maybe the toys on his island are a little too misfit. Do the kids know what selling out is anymore? Does the Excalibur have a quiet quitter? And who will budge first: the unstoppable horndog or the immovable Vulcan? All this and more in Into the Void, the book that can’t compete with that fancy store-bought dirt.

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