Month: January 2021

#167: The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition (DS9, misc.)

This week, Quark overcomes the considerable handicap of being a fictional character to bring the accumulated wisdom of his species (or at least a fraction of it) to our bookshelves. But it remains to be seen whether this light sampling of alien aphorisms is worth the latinum. Do the Rules hit different in a book? Is “sexual icon” a value judgment one can make about oneself? And what does Forrest Gump have to do with any of this? All this and more in The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, coming soon to a theater near you!

#166: Ragnarok (VOY #3)

This week, when Neelix advises avoiding the bad neighborhood, Janeway makes a beeline for the bad neighborhood. But when she gets Voyager pulled into the middle of a centuries-old conflict, the Prime Directive and her dignity compete to see which one will come out less battered. What is that weird orb at the center of the battlefield? Is the Caretaker’s companion inside it? And does anyone besides Janeway think any of this is a good idea? All this and more in Ragnarok, the book that taught me what the cube-square law is!

#165: Into the Nebula (TNG #36)

This week, when the Enterprise makes a new friend, he’d rather go to their house than let them come over to his. But when they start wading into the mess themselves, the natives suspect that someone else may be uploading all that spam to the cloud—and they may be right. Does Picard care which admiral he talks to? How beside the point do you have to be for Data to cut you off? And could Spot be the key to the whole mission? All this and more in Into the Nebula, a book with surprisingly few nebulae in it!

#164: Arcade (DS9 YA #5)

This week, Jake Sisko becomes the first kid in history to get grounded for acing a test. But when the hottest new video game on the promenade starts putting all comers into comas, he may be the only pinball wizard who’s up to the challenge. Why is a Ferengi giving out free plays? Where is the Ultimate Crown of Wisdom? And can video games truly be part of a well-balanced life? All this and more in Arcade, the book where all those games really will rot your brain!

#163: The Fearful Summons (TOS #74)

This week, when Captain Sulu gets abducted by rogue traders, his old boss rounds up his friends to mount a rescue. But just because they’re sailing on a luxury yacht doesn’t mean this mission is going to be a pleasure cruise. How does Kirk feel about being a hero today? Will Sulu always need Kirk to clean up his messes? And was Spock born for the stage? All this and more in The Fearful Summons, the book that practically does my job for me.

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