Category: Meta Page 4 of 5

Music of the Spheres delayed

The review for Music of the Spheres, the original vision of the book that eventually became Probe, will come out next week. Because I am not reading it in my usual milieu—i.e., at my job, in book form, with no electronic distractions at hand—it’s moving a lot slower than usual. Other contributing factors: Music of the Spheres is a 238-page Word document, and it’s much tougher to stare at screens than at paper for extended periods; I haven’t had many days off lately where I didn’t flip my overnight schedule; and I rarely have opportunities to be on my home computer, especially during summer. I have downloaded a cleaned-up PDF version of the manuscript in hopes of reading faster by catching snatches of it here and there on my phone; just from the little bit I’ve used it, I’d say it’s likely going to be my recommended means for reading it.

Fortunately, with the bad comes a little good: I’m doing another Patreon rejigger soon. I won’t spill all the beans yet, but I will say that giving one dollar will actually get you something extra outside of just funding the books. Something to look forward to!

Reunion delayed

Well, it appears the streak ends at 86 weeks. For the first time, due to a confluence of events (real life business, entertainment-related distractions, Reunion being so dreadfully boring and godawful as to completely sap my desire to pick it up at all, etc.), I haven’t finished reading Reunion and have barely written anything about it. It should nevertheless be ready for next week. I’ll try not to make it a habit.

Live long and prosper.

RIP Vonda McIntyre

Image result for vonda mcintyre

Photo by Michael Ward

Vonda Neel McIntyre, Hugo- and Nebula-winning science fiction author, died of metastatic pancreatic cancer on April 1, 2019, just shy of only two months after a diagnosis thereof. She was 70.

No Shore Leave this fortnight, as I did not experience anything new or noteworthy in the past two weeks, and lately it’s been all I can do to keep up with the regular reviews. I’ve just been bingeing the crap out of Mad Men (mentioned briefly in this edition—just made it to season 6). I should have some stuff by the next one, so it will return on its next scheduled appearance, October 9.

1-Year Fundraiser and Some Other Upcoming Stuff

It might be even harder for you to believe than it is for me, but Deep Space Spines is approaching one year of existence. October 19 marks the day I posted the welcome post, and the review of Star Trek: The Motion Picture went up the very next day.

So, just to commemorate one year, I’ve decided to hold a little fundraiser. The main purpose for this would be putting money toward re-upping the domain, which comes due on October 10. Any additional funds would go toward getting substantially farther ahead on book-buying (and I’m already pretty far ahead as it is)1, and maybe also looking into some supplemental research materials.

Image result for next generation combadgeFor the fundraiser, I’m focusing on small one-time donations. You can donate any amount you want by clicking the combadge on the left or right here, both of which will take you to the page where you can donate directly. Although if you’ve been thinking about becoming a patron, you can do that as well. I have no set expectations for this fundraiser, but we’ll see how it goes.

Also, according to its page, Star Trek: Judgment Rites is coming up on its 25th anniversary. Judgment Rites is one of my favorite video games of all time; that and a book we’ll get to soon enough are what really made me fall hard for TOS, and it shaped a lot of my ideas about how to go about solving problems.2 So as a bonus, starting November 7, I’ll be posting an article about one episode of Judgment Rites every Wednesday until the end of the year. I’m excited to talk about my first non-literary piece of tie-in media, and getting to write about this game will be both a thrill and an honor. I hope you look forward to it as much as I do.

This announcement will remain at the top of the homepage throughout September and a little bit of October.

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