Category: Meta Page 3 of 5

On Donating Books

I’ll cut to the chase on this one. For the three years plus that Deep Space Spines has been a thing, I’ve been able to comfortably afford the books thanks to the relative cheapness of mass market paperbacks and the generosity of my readers, and have built up quite a strong reading buffer. Following the most recent review for The Laertian Gamble, I have in my possession every book to be reviewed for the next 53 weeks. However, after that point, some titles, particularly in the YA line, are outlandishly expensive even at my level of combined disposable income and financial patronage. So, operating on the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, I’ve decided to open up the site to donations of books as well as money. To that end, I’ve added a page called Books the Site Needs, where I’ll list books that, shall we say, make my eyes bug out when I look them up online, and see if I can’t get some of them that way.

Thanks as always for frequenting this silly little site of mine and being the awesome people you are.

RIP Dave Galanter

Star Trek novelist Dave Galanter passed away three days ago on December 12 of cancer. His wife Simantha broke the news of his passing on his Twitter account. He had revealed his terminal diagnosis and the late stage of his illness only a month prior.

Deep Space Spines recently reached his first Star Trek novel, the TNG story Foreign Foes, back in July. He collaborated on the majority of his Trek output with a writing partner, Greg Brodeur, before going solo in 2009 with TOS’s Troublesome Minds. His most recent work in the franchise, the Lieutenant Stamets–centered Discovery novel Dead Endless, came out nearly one year ago to the day.

I enjoyed Foreign Foes, and a lot of the work yet to be reviewed looks pretty exciting. He will be greatly missed.

Valhalla delayed

The review for Valhalla (DS9 #10) will go up next week. I had to take a leave from work to do more virtual schooling, and while I had enough lead time to cobble together a review of Secret of the Lizard People, I haven’t had a chance to write anything about Valhalla (though I have read it). Work, as long-time readers may know, is my writing environment. I get too distracted anywhere else to do effective work. But I’ll be back there next week, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be up on the 27th.

State of the Spines: February 2020

Since I have a spare moment, I thought I’d take some time to lay out the state of things on this site. Let me say ahead of anything else that this is no cause for alarm. The site is doing well by my estimation, still ably meeting its original goal of one book per week, and barring any outright disasters, I will be able to make good on that for the foreseeable future. This is simply me being transparent about some behind-the-scenes ideas and thought processes.

Relics delayed

This week’s review, for the novelization of the Next Generation episode “Relics”, will be up next week. My usual reading/writing environment just hasn’t been as conducive to getting it done, and I’ve had a lot else to do otherwise. We’ll get back on track next week, however. Apologies.

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