Tag: starfleet academy Page 3 of 4

#186: Loyalties (TNG YA #10)

This week, when a student orders the seizure salad during a holodeck simulation, the teacher blames Cadet Beverly Howard’s best friend. But before she clears her roomie’s name, it’s always important to sit down to a nice meal first. Exactly how much of a poindexter is Beverly? Does Data earn that cover appearance? And does this book have the most badly botched meet cute of all time? All this and more in Loyalties, the book where the robot saves Dr. Wily!

#179: Nova Command (TNG YA #9)

This week, Cadet Picard confronts the uncomfortable truth that there’s always someone better than you. But when he and his friends run into trouble on an elite training exercise, they aren’t sure if it’s the Kobayashi Maru or the real deal. Can total jerks have bits worth stealing? Who should be getting Academy buildings named after them? And will white people ever stop claiming Cherokee ancestry? All this and more in Nova Command, the book that forces a revision to the “Boothby is a Q” theory.

#173: Starfall (TNG YA #8)

This week, when Jean-Luc fails his Academy entrance exam, his father squashes dreams of further attempts like grapes underfoot. But the young Picard is convinced he’s seen the last of the summer wine. Will Jean-Luc buckle under the twin weights of tradition and parental expectation? Is everything better under the sea? And what exactly is Louis getting up to with those twins? All this and more in Starfall, the book where you find out who your true friends are.

#157: Secret of the Lizard People (TNG-YA #7)

This week, Data can’t wait to enjoy a rare celestial event with his new man-crush. But when a detour for a distress signal proves deadly, the adults are all too willing to use the cadets as meat shields. Do the lizard people actually have a secret? Is Data a good judge of character? Is it time to start seriously taking the artwork in these books to task? All this and more in Secret of the Lizard People, the book that might be socking it to the Mets.

#151: Mystery of the Missing Crew (TNG-YA #6)

This week, as Data makes his way to Starfleet Academy, he finds that some birds of a feather really like to flock together. But when the adults vanish and the robo death squad moves in, they’ll have to learn to do group work among more than just themselves. Will Data rise above peer pressure? Can his new friends even join the Federation? And how long can the streak of fun about-the-author paragraphs last? All this and more in Mystery of the Missing Crew, the book that solves the mystery of the missing crew.

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