Month: December 2018

Judgment Rites, Week 6: Museum Piece

Way back at the beginning of “Sentinel”, Scotty expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming shore leave at Nova Atar. Four missions later, that dream is finally coming true—with one caveat: before they can go floating down the cognac river, Admiral Richards asks them to make an appearance at a ceremony for an exhibit from the planet Lachian that is being returned to the influential Seransi family and do a little kowtowing and gladhanding. Said exhibit is summarily invaded by terrorists from a clan who believes their claim to the relic is equally legitimate. It looks like getting blackout-drunk will have to wait until Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov can avert the crisis at hand.

#060: The Captains’ Honor (TNG #8)

This week, a planet of peaceniks needs help controlling its feral cat infestation, and the Enterprise is one of two ships enlisted for ad hoc animal control. But when the other captain recommends an aggressive plan of attack, Picard thinks doing as the Romans do may not be such a great idea. What exactly is Admiral Delapole’s nickname? Is there a regulation against quoting regulations? How can a society based on a total lack of self-preservation maintain itself? It’s the book where you can totally tell it’s a stunt double.

Judgment Rites, Week 5: Voids

The Enterprise is redirected by Admiral Richards to study the Antares Rift, a highly unstable part of space. Everyone who has previously attempted to survey the Rift has disappeared without a trace. So yes, let’s send the finest ship into the fleet right smack dab into the middle of it. Seems legit!

Shore Leave #15: Late!!

Shore Leave is the non-Trek culture arm of the Deep Space Spines website, posted every other Tuesday and made possible by donations to the site’s Patreon.

Well, it finally happened: an article is going up on this site in excess of 24 hours late. It was inevitable, perhaps more so on a week where three posts are supposed to be going up (and Wednesday’s Judgment Rites installment isn’t looking too timely either). But hey, at least I saw some stuff this time around!

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