Category: TOS Page 4 of 24

#188: The Return (TOS/TNG)

This week, a Romulan with a personal vendetta un-drops the bridge on Kirk for her own nefarious ends. But she’s also doing it to help out the Borg, who hope to use him to take out their own worst enemy and assimilate the Federation (but not the Romulans, they double-pinky-swear). What use do the Borg have for an alliance with anyone? What’s behind the curtain at the Vulcan video store? And when Kirk’s not on screen, should the other characters be asking, “Where’s Jimmy?” All this and more in The Return, the book that didn’t even let the corpse get cold.

#180: Twilight’s End (TOS #77)

This week, the planet Rimillia needs Scotty’s help to escape the No-Spin Zone. But when Bones speaks for the trees, he and Sulu find themselves committing to a marathon Spore stream. Which will prevail: plants or machines? And will one of them emerge the victor before rotation can turn into revolution? And also, should Chekov be here yet? All this and more in Twilight’s End, the book that won’t get all judgey about your hobbies.

#178: Crossover (TNG event)

This week, Spock’s first field trip with his class ends in their capture. But help is on the way, from a cantankerous Starfleet admiral hitching a ride on the flagship and a friend who still checks his Google Alerts. Will Admiral McCoy become everything he used to hate? Has the typesetter gone on an unannounced vacation? And can that shuttlecraft settle on a dang name already? All this and more in Crossover, the book born under a blood-green sky.

#177: The Captain’s Daughter (TOS #76)

This week, when Demora Sulu turns into a wild animal on an away mission, John Harriman has the unenviable task of putting her down. But her father refuses to accept how it went down, and risks a good old-fashioned court martial to unlock the truth. Can Captain Harriman’s reputation survive another high-profile death? How many kids has Kirk actually fathered? And will my new Boothby theory break the internet? All this and more in The Captain’s Daughter, the book that’s brought to you by Lifeshot.

#168: First Frontier (TOS #75)

This week, an experiment gone wrong sends the Enterprise back to when dinosaurs ruled the earth. But when they discover that this Earth got through puberty without a crater face, it’s off to the Guardian of Forever to set right what once didn’t go wrong. What does an injured Captain Kirk bring to a story’s table? Are Starfleet officers aware of what they’re signing up for? Is Diane Carey, for that matter? All this and more in First Frontier, the book that doesn’t go as all in as you would hope.

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