I haven’t been on Twitter in a long time myself, but after observing the dumpster fire that’s been Elon Musk’s “leadership”, I’ve been curious to see where the exodus has taken other people.

For some time now, I’ve wanted to do some more general quick writing on things that cross my mind that aren’t Star Trek books. I had been toying with buying another domain and doing another independent site, but hadn’t pulled the trigger. The hassle of getting this site initially set up five years ago is still a fresh enough memory to make me hesitant to do it a second time. But the idea stayed with me.

Then, in watching where people were migrating to from Twitter, I realized: “Oh hey, Tumblr is already pretty good for that.”

So I dusted off a Tumblr I already had that I hadn’t used in 12 years, tidied it up, and it was off to the races. (roundthewheel is my favored username across most of the rest of the internet.) And so yeah, if you want some material to help fill the long gaps between reviews that sadly are more the rule than the exception these days, go bookmark that or follow me on it or whatever. I’m excited about it, as one tends to be about new things, but we’ll see how long it lasts.

I’ve finished reading the next several Star Trek books but have to find time to get the thoughts on them written down. Hopefully I can do that soon. In the meantime, enjoy the other site.