Tag: robin lefler

#255: Fire on High (NF #6)

In today’s episode, Robin Lefler learns her mother is still alive, but first Soleta has to finish checking out the situation on Zondar, and meanwhile Selar is preggers, and she and Burgoyne agree the fun times should end there, so why does that leave Selar feeling so empty? But the warp core also has a bun in the oven, and also Shelby swears she’s not in love, Robin lands in the friend zone, Mark McHenry feels used, and—wait, what? I’m already out of room for the intro paragraph? All this and more in Fire on High, the book that doesn’t forget its Southern hospitality.

#231: End Game (NF #4)

In today’s episode, while Captain Calhoun fears he might be getting soft, Zak Kebron remains solid as a rock. But a new challenger might hatch a plan of its own before the captain can dispense old-school justice. Who’s the least developed Excalibur crew member so far? Can New Frontier fix the Prime Directive? And when does Star Trek get human nature wrong? All this and more in End Game, the book blessed by the Great Bird of the Galaxy him itself.

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