Tag: locutus

#209: Star Trek: First Contact (TNG movie)

In today’s episode, when Picard starts handing the Borg a loss at Earth, they switch to plan B: un-inventing the game. Now the Enterprise-E has to follow the Borg back into the past and make sure history’s most important pilot makes it to the air. Did redshirts peak with this installment? Who’s holding Picard accountable? And which doctor took a greater timeline liberty: McCoy or Crusher? All this and more in Star Trek: First Contact, the book that needs to clean up its Klingon armory.

#188: The Return (TOS/TNG)

This week, a Romulan with a personal vendetta un-drops the bridge on Kirk for her own nefarious ends. But she’s also doing it to help out the Borg, who hope to use him to take out their own worst enemy and assimilate the Federation (but not the Romulans, they double-pinky-swear). What use do the Borg have for an alliance with anyone? What’s behind the curtain at the Vulcan video store? And when Kirk’s not on screen, should the other characters be asking, “Where’s Jimmy?” All this and more in The Return, the book that didn’t even let the corpse get cold.

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