Tag: department of temporal investigations

#251: Trapped in Time (DS9 YA #12)

In today’s episode, when a temporal physicist invents a stable portal to the past, it’s fair to say he did Nazi a twist coming. Now Jake, Nog, and Chief O’Brien must stop the time tamperer before he can put Reich what (he thinks) once went wrong. Is O’Brien exempt from suffering in kids’ books? Should this changeling be more melty? And is it really necessary to look at your dump before you flush it? All this and more in Trapped in Time, the book with a bold what-could-have-been in the casting department!

#211: Trials and Tribble-ations (DS9 episode)

In today’s episode, Sisko’s recent jaunt into the past gets his time card audited, and he’ll have to convince Agents Dulmer and Lucsly that he and his crew didn’t do anything to signficantly alter the timeline. Is Florida still the prime retirement destination in the future? Did Forrest Gump change Ira Steven Behr’s life? And how often does Diane Carey think about butts? All this and more in Trials and Tribble-ations, the book that breaks new ground in introductory self-indulgence.

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