Another writing site

Hey people. Since apparently one site is not enough to satiate my desire for longform writing, I have also started Blocker Trap, which is essentially just me journaling the video games I play. If that sounds like your jam, I encourage you to give it a look, bookmark it, and check it frequently for updates just like you do here.

In the meantime, I am making my way through Ship of the Line as best I can, and, uh … hoo boy, do I have some things to say about that one.

#235: The Chance Factor (VOY YA #2)

In today’s episode, animal husbandry looks to be Janeway’s last hope for staying enrolled in the Academy. But the toughest specimens to wrangle might well be two male pigs. What’s considered “disabled” for a Betazoid? Is getting research grants harder or easier in a moneyless society? And how subtle is this book’s aim for the female demographic? All this and more in The Chance Factor, or, Tango & Kath.

#234: Armageddon Sky (DS9, Day of Honor #2)

In today’s episode, when the Klingons shoot down a science yacht in the Demilitarized Zone, it gets everyone wondering what they’re keeping a lid on over there. But the exiles on the planet below demand nothing less in exchange for the survivors than the total rerouting of nature’s course. When are Julian’s genetic enhancements a disadvantage? Would Klingons dig post-rock? And what new words did you learn today? All this and more in Armageddon Sky, the book with an uncredited cameo!

#233: Ancient Blood (TNG, Day of Honor #1)

In today’s episode, when Worf signs up for a little light election interference, he realizes too late he double-booked. But when he asks Picard for a favor, some outdated drivers might make Alexander’s history lesson more intense than the captain expects. Can Worf cosplay as a coward? Should you launch a miniseries by immediately subverting the concept? And is it really Alexander who wants to check out his unusual lineage? All this and more in Ancient Blood, the book that has more Common Sense than common sense.

#232: Legends of the Ferengi (DS9, misc.)

In today’s episode, Quark is back to shill some more useless bathroom-library fodder, and this time he’s decided two showrunners are better than one. But this may be a case where less turns out to be more. What are the best word game rules? Which parts of the 90s are better off left behind? And why did I have to pay so much money for this? All this and more in Legends of the Ferengi, the book that’s actually an Excellent on the Quark scale.

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