Category: TNG Page 2 of 17

#244: To Storm Heaven (TNG #46)

In today’s episode, the Enterprise crew decides breaking the Prime Directive is way more fun than finding a stupid plant that will save millions of lives. But in the midst of their “benevolent” interference, they fail to notice that shepherd’s pie is on tonight’s menu. Are you obligated to keep a surprise pet you weren’t consulted about? Should the reader always know more than the characters? And what if your phone calendar could force you to do stuff? All this and more in To Storm Heaven, in which the power of Ashkaar compels you.

#236: Ship of the Line (TNG event)

In today’s episode, a starship trying to head off a Klingon invasion suddenly finds its salad tossed and its eggs scrambled. But when its time-displaced captain plays the sympathy card to get the new Enterprise gig, the crew isn’t confident in his old-school thinking. Would the TOS era have had ship’s counselors? Does anyone in Starfleet understand how seniority works? And what’s up with the octo decapus? All this and more in Ship of the Line, the book with the most tempting mail-in offer yet!

#233: Ancient Blood (TNG, Day of Honor #1)

In today’s episode, when Worf signs up for a little light election interference, he realizes too late he double-booked. But when he asks Picard for a favor, some outdated drivers might make Alexander’s history lesson more intense than the captain expects. Can Worf cosplay as a coward? Should you launch a miniseries by immediately subverting the concept? And is it really Alexander who wants to check out his unusual lineage? All this and more in Ancient Blood, the book that has more Common Sense than common sense.

#223: Avenger (Shatnerverse)

In today’s episode, a plant-killing plague is spreading faster than a rumor, but only Kirk has the real tea. Meanwhile, when Picard puts on his Dixon Hill hat, he becomes the man who knew too much, and Spock makes a discovery so startling, it makes him cash out his logic chips. Can you just be whoever’s kid you want? Is the Kobayashi Maru really that big a deal? And what the heck is happening on Mercury? All this and more in Avenger, the book that disengages the racism protocols.

#220: Breakaway (TNG YA #12)

In today’s episode, Cadet Troi’s freshman year is off to a rough start, and if it isn’t one thing, it’s her mother. But once she signs up for a major pass/fail test early, she’s in for a slip of latinum, in for a bar. Can Deanna overcome her reputation of privilege? How quickly does Lwaxana go through valets? And is the galaxy ready for Kirk 2.0? All this and more in Breakaway, the book that throws an unexpected punctuation curve.

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