Month: June 2024

#261: Fire Ship (Captain’s Table #4)

In today’s episode, when Janeway watches Voyager go up in flames, she lets the pod she was on when it happened carry her where it will. But when she ends up on a privateering vessel swabbing the deck, she has to face the fact that it might be the pirate’s life for her whether she likes it or not. At what age does every young adult start to seem like a baby? What does the order you list your children in say about you? And what’s the biggest ace Diane Carey has up her sleeve? All this and more in Fire Ship, the book that can admit when it’s time to fold ’em.

#260: The Mist (Captain’s Table #3)

In today’s episode, the DS9 crew discovers a group of people who can add and remove sprite layers to space on demand. But Sisko might have a tough time taking the man who brought the Defiant over seriously, considering the wildfire blazing in his pants region. What kind of basic is Sisko? Has stress made him forget his quadrants? And what if someone has to go to the bathroom during your story? All this and more in The Mist, the book that knows it’s always time for nachos.

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