Month: October 2022

#228: Vulcan’s Forge (TOS event)

In today’s episode, Captain Spock looks forward to reuniting with an old friend who needs some help at a remote desert outpost. But when their journey into the sands leads them to the same madman they once defeated as teenagers, it’s no mirage. Will Spock ever run out of friends and family we’ve never met? Can Dr. McCoy catch loquacious lightning in a bottle twice? And is Uhura cut out for the hot seat? All this and more in Vulcan’s Forge, or, Yesteryear II: Volcanic Boogaloo.


It’s been nearly a month since there was a new review, so I feel like I owe you an update. In addition to the usual grad school workload, my wife had foot surgery early last week, and I’ve been her primary caretaker since then. She’s doing well and things are starting to slow down into something that more resembles the amount of leisure time I’m used to, so I hope to have Vulcan’s Forge done soon. (I’ve also finished the one after that, the YA Voyager novel Lifeline, so there might be a few coming in comparatively rapid succession.)

Thanks as always for sticking around.

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