#164: Arcade (DS9 YA #5)

This week, Jake Sisko becomes the first kid in history to get grounded for acing a test. But when the hottest new video game on the promenade starts putting all comers into comas, he may be the only pinball wizard who’s up to the challenge. Why is a Ferengi giving out free plays? Where is the Ultimate Crown of Wisdom? And can video games truly be part of a well-balanced life? All this and more in Arcade, the book where all those games really will rot your brain!

#163: The Fearful Summons (TOS #74)

This week, when Captain Sulu gets abducted by rogue traders, his old boss rounds up his friends to mount a rescue. But just because they’re sailing on a luxury yacht doesn’t mean this mission is going to be a pleasure cruise. How does Kirk feel about being a hero today? Will Sulu always need Kirk to clean up his messes? And was Spock born for the stage? All this and more in The Fearful Summons, the book that practically does my job for me.

#162: The Ashes of Eden (TOS)

This week, Shatner Claus delivers us a gift in the form of his first Trek novel. Right as Kirk feels the zest draining from his life, an alluring young woman comes along and brings his pocket rocket back up to maximum warp. But his friends are concerned that his dowsing rod might lead him into some murky waters. Who or what are the Children of Heaven? Is Kirk being used? And has Sulu become a company man? All this and more in The Ashes of Eden, the book where he says the thing!

#161: Devil in the Sky (DS9 #11)

This week, a Horta bound for Bajor gets forcibly rerouted by Cardassian raiders. But when Kira, Bashir, and Dax go to retrieve her, they learn her capture is only half the story. Meanwhile, Odo and O’Brien have to move fast to keep Deep Space Nine from being turned into an all-you-can-eat buffet. Has Odo finally found his comfiest form? Is everything okay at Chateau Picard? And how is Brightspot’s acting career going? All this and more in Devil in the Sky, the book that underscores the need for stronger holosuite privacy.

RIP Dave Galanter

Star Trek novelist Dave Galanter passed away three days ago on December 12 of cancer. His wife Simantha broke the news of his passing on his Twitter account. He had revealed his terminal diagnosis and the late stage of his illness only a month prior.

Deep Space Spines recently reached his first Star Trek novel, the TNG story Foreign Foes, back in July. He collaborated on the majority of his Trek output with a writing partner, Greg Brodeur, before going solo in 2009 with TOS’s Troublesome Minds. His most recent work in the franchise, the Lieutenant Stamets–centered Discovery novel Dead Endless, came out nearly one year ago to the day.

I enjoyed Foreign Foes, and a lot of the work yet to be reviewed looks pretty exciting. He will be greatly missed.

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