Another writing site

Hey people. Since apparently one site is not enough to satiate my desire for longform writing, I have also started Blocker Trap, which is essentially just me journaling the video games I play. If that sounds like your jam, I encourage you to give it a look, bookmark it, and check it frequently for updates just like you do here.

In the meantime, I am making my way through Ship of the Line as best I can, and, uh … hoo boy, do I have some things to say about that one.


#237: The Chance Factor (VOY YA #2)


#238: Ship of the Line (TNG event)


  1. DGCatAniSiri

    Ship of the Line is particularly notorious over on the Trek Lit forum of the Trek BBS boards. It’s… definitely a thing.

  2. Casey Pettitt

    We just recently reviewed Ship of the Line on Literary Treks… I’m very eager to read the review here! Your reviews typically are a little more colorful than we get on our podcast. 🙂

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