Reunion delayed

Well, it appears the streak ends at 86 weeks. For the first time, due to a confluence of events (real life business, entertainment-related distractions, Reunion being so dreadfully boring and godawful as to completely sap my desire to pick it up at all, etc.), I haven’t finished reading Reunion and have barely written anything about it. It should nevertheless be ready for next week. I’ll try not to make it a habit.

Live long and prosper.


#086: The Rift (TOS #57)


#087: Reunion (TNG event novel)


  1. R

    Take it easy Jess, you deserve a holiday after so many great reviews. If Reunion is just too boring to finish don’t torture yourself.

  2. Brandon Harbeke

    I’ll be curious which characters from the Stargazer, if any, are working for you in Reunion. A few of them show up in the prequel series of Stargazer novels.

  3. It’s been a good run, hopefully after Reunion the other books will keep your interest!

  4. Tom

    A well earned break. Looking forward to your next review

  5. Tom

    A well earned break

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