#259: Spectre (Shatnerverse)

In today’s episode, James Kirk learns the price the mirror universe paid for one of his climactic Kirk speeches. But his captors might need to set the killing aside to put a hold on a Prime shipment that will quash the Terran/Vulcan rebellion permanently. When will the mirror universe run out of identical counterparts? Do Trill spots go all the way up, too? And did you ever think you would feel this sorry for Neelix? All this and more in Spectre, the book that does it one piece at a time.

#258: Planet X (TNG)

In today’s episode, a busted gadget brings the X-Men back to the 24th century, though you probably weren’t around for the first episode. Nevertheless, here they are, arriving just in time to render aid to a planet that’s starting to go through its own mutant growing pains. Which X-Person’s fault is it that they’re stranded here? Will it ever not be weird for Data to smile? And how much bridge conversation is pointless small talk? All this and more in Planet X, the book that’s selling the cure, but no one’s buying.

#257: Fire on High (NF #6)

In today’s episode, Robin Lefler learns her mother is still alive, but first Soleta has to finish checking out the situation on Zondar, and meanwhile Selar is preggers, and she and Burgoyne agree the fun times should end there, so why does that leave Selar feeling so empty? But the warp core also has a bun in the oven, and also Shelby swears she’s not in love, Robin lands in the friend zone, Mark McHenry feels used, and—wait, what? I’m already out of room for the intro paragraph? All this and more in Fire on High, the book that doesn’t forget its Southern hospitality.

#256: Far Beyond the Stars (DS9 episode)

In today’s episode, Captain Sisko learns that too much stress can actually make you travel through time. But there’s no Federation to save his 1950s counterpart from the harsh realities of systemic racism. Are the Prophets leaving Sisko Easter eggs in their visions? How many modern IPs did Benny Russell secretly come up with? And is the world ready for the kinds of dreams he writes about? All this and more in Far Beyond the Stars, the book that actually earns the reputation Star Trek thinks it has.

#255: Deceptions (TNG YA #14)

In today’s episode, when Data’s quadmates celebrate his Omicron Theta-versary, the idea that lying can be used for good blue-screens his ethics programming. But he’ll have to learn the nuance quickly if he hopes to foil some scientists’ psychic invasion plans. Who does an android read for fun? Which terrible unconventional name spellings will survive into the future? And how did the YA line fare overall? All this and more in Deceptions, the book brought to you by the Acme Corporation!

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