In today’s episode, notorious con man Harry Mudd adds an unlikely line item to his résumé: diplomat. But when the peace he forged falters and he and the Enterprise crew are caught in the fallout, they learn that death is only the beginning in the Nevis system. How did Mudd manage to escape the android planet? How do you keep a war going for that long? Can transporter accidents be harnessed for fashionable body modification? All this and more in Mudd in Your Eye, the book that gives Star Trek fans what they really want: hardcore nudity!
In today’s episode, when Tom and Harry follow a siren out to sea, they end up not having a very merry time. But when their lady friend starts looking a little gray around the gills, Harry begins to suspect that the cure may be worse than the disease. Is it easier to find someone without a combadge than previously indicated? Should the Doctor put a higher priority on inventory checks? And does anyone on Voyager actually know the Prime Directive? All this and more in Bless the Beasts, the book brought to you by Harry Kim’s Pure Vibes, a four-disc compilation of Delta Quadrant jams that isn’t available in any store and can be all yours for four strips of latinum! Subspace operators are standing by!
In today’s episode, Sisko’s recent jaunt into the past gets his time card audited, and he’ll have to convince Agents Dulmer and Lucsly that he and his crew didn’t do anything to signficantly alter the timeline. Is Florida still the prime retirement destination in the future? Did Forrest Gump change Ira Steven Behr’s life? And how often does Diane Carey think about butts? All this and more in Trials and Tribble-ations, the book that breaks new ground in introductory self-indulgence.
In today’s episode, the Starfleet Academy Band’s performance at a competition earns them a new biggest fan. But he’s not interested in waiting to book a private gig, and drags them into the worst USO Tour ever. Can Riker withstand a gauntlet of light hazing? Will Geordi make the leap from roadie to band member? Is Phish’s influence still being felt in the 24th century? All this and more in Crossfire, the book where reversing the polarity still works.
In today’s episode, when Picard starts handing the Borg a loss at Earth, they switch to plan B: un-inventing the game. Now the Enterprise-E has to follow the Borg back into the past and make sure history’s most important pilot makes it to the air. Did redshirts peak with this installment? Who’s holding Picard accountable? And which doctor took a greater timeline liberty: McCoy or Crusher? All this and more in Star Trek: First Contact, the book that needs to clean up its Klingon armory.