#273: Star Trek: Insurrection (movie)

In today’s episode, a misguided admiral teams up with a mysterious partner to bring one planet’s Fountain of Youth to the rest of the Federation. But the scowling man with unnaturally stretch skin draped in robes and jewels seemed so trustworthy! Will there ever be another Search for Spock–level novelization? Does Picard have a crush on his dead mom? And shouldn’t Worf know more Earth references? All this and more in Star Trek: Insurrection, the film that un-grows the beard.

#272: Where Sea Meets Sky (TOS, Captain’s Table #6)

In today’s episode, “there be whales here” is an omen rather than a victory cry. But when the Enterprise heads to uncharted systems in search of an answer to controlling the pet population, they end up drawing their food chain diagram in jumbo crayon. What do Klingons consider the most honorable Earth delicacy? Does the Star Trek future include good school boards? And what strange new worlds lie upstairs at the Captain’s Table? All this and more in Where Sea Meets Sky, the book that ill-advisedly loops the loop.

#271: Once Burned (Captain’s Table #5)

In today’s episode, Mackenzie Calhoun’s new captain gets rave reviews from everyone who serves under him. But when a couple of the captain’s relatives get delivered back to the ship extra well-done, Calhoun learns it’s the nice ones you have to watch out for. Is a nice guy who facilitates the destruction of an entire civilization actually nice? Does Starfleet need a touch of Chigurh? And did Calhoun cheat at the Captain’s Table? All this and more in Once Burned, the book that needs Robin Williams to tell him “It’s not your fault.”

#270: Triangle: Imzadi II (TNG)

In today’s episode, the moment Riker decides to stand up for his love is the same moment Worf takes a knee. But the love he hopes to proclaim might not be so undying when some old adversaries roll up to Betazed at the same time. How many of the padds that cross Picard’s desk are time cards? Can Deanna sense Data’s chip emotions? And is it really fair to compare this book to the first Imzadi? All this and more in Triangle: Imzadi II, the book that’s really more of a square, if you think about it.

#269: Seven of Nine (VOY #16)

In today’s episode, Voyager’s new friends cut through red tape like butter, and have good taste in air fresheners to boot. But when Seven comes down with a nasty case of Corvid-19, she’ll need her new feathered friends to help her defuse a nuclear truth bomb. Will the Doctor’s sleepy-time experiments get anyone killed this time? When will Starfleet get off its legalistic high horse? And who got here first: the books or the show? All this and more in Seven of Nine, the book that manages to not get anyone killed by sleeping on the job.

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