Tag: mind control

#190: Possession (TNG #40)

This week, a malevolent evil has returned, and this time, it’s learned how to meditate. But if Data, Worf, and Deanna can’t build a proton pack that will hold it, it’ll turn the upcoming science fair into the ultimate superspreader event. How many Earth expressions is Worf actually familiar with? How much of J.M. Dillard’s touch is really in this book? And is the redshirt death in this book the most senseless one yet? All this and more in Possession, the book that leaves ’em laughing.

#030: Demons (TOS #30)

This week, almost everyone on the Enterprise and most of the population of Vulcan fall prey to energy-based brain parasites that take over their minds, and it looks like the only cure is fresh air and exorcise. Will Spock, Bones, and the New Girl of the Week tell the parasites “Get behind me, Satan”, or will they succumb to the temptation to let them take over the galaxy? It’s J.M. Dillard’s Demons, or, Possession Is Nine-Tenths of the Crew.

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